Mitsubishi A6M2 Zero stained ARF (HC1310A)

Price in e-shop with VAT: 78,26 €
Discount -5 %
Price in store: 82,38 €
Tuesday 30.07. you can have it at the Nademlejnská central store
Wednesday 31.07. it can be at your place
Manufacturer: Hacker
Goods code: HC1310A
EAN: 6301000002266

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Product Description

Hacker - Mitsubishi A6M2 Zero stained ARF (HC1310A) - HC1310A

Shadow mock fighter flyers are fun for dueling and acrobatic outdoor flying. Models are made of modern technology on CNC machines from "almost unbreakable" material EPP and well printed. Models have a flying weight of 340 g model can be used in category Kombat EPA - flying with ribbon

Color fuselage, wing, tailplane and rudder, transparent cabin, engine, ran a Complete Hardware and Instruction Guide.

You will need (not included in kit):
4 Channel RC Set with 3 Micro Servos, Brushless motor 100-150 W (KV 900-1000 3S, diameter 28mm, length 32mm, weight 60 g), three-phase controller 12A, Prop 8 × 6, cone 38 mm, battery pack 3LiPol 800 - 1300 mAh

Technical data
span 840 mm, flying weight of 340 g

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