1:400 Tu-154A ″OK-CSA″

Product no longer available for order
Manufacturer: Phoenix
Goods code: 890006102729
EAN: 890006102729

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Product Description

Phoenix - 1:400 Tu-154A ″OK-CSA″ - 890006102729

Metal model of an airliner Tu-154 CSA is treated at a scale of 1:400 in high quality.

Tupolev Tu-154 (NATO code "Careless") is a Soviet, respectively. Russian three-engine jet transport airplane that flies from the early 70th 20th century. It was developed as an airplane, which was to replace the lines machines Tupolev Tu-104 and Ilyushin Il-18th The first prototype flew on the fourth machine October 1968 was then tested on a regular air traffic was deployed in 1972. The aircraft purchased by the Czechoslovak State Airlines, used the Air Service of the Federal Ministry of the Interior for the government years ago and recently flew the last pieces of the Air Force of the Army of the Czech Republic. Machine Tu-154 is the most widely used Soviet jet airliner. It is widely used airliner in Russia. The shortest line to which the machine flies, the Baku - Aktau (388 km), the longest Moscow - Yakutsk (4868 km).

Material: metal with plastic parts
Airline: CSA Czech Airlines

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