Piper Cub J3-C

Price in e-shop with VAT: 43,15 €
Discount -5 %
Price in store: 45,40 €
Tuesday 30.07. you can have it at the Nademlejnská central store
Wednesday 31.07. it can be at your place
Manufacturer: Hacker
Goods code: 5552301
EAN: 6301000000163

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Product Description

Hacker - Piper Cub J3-C - 5552301

Wingspan: 716 mm

Construction of models of famous real aircraft. The drive model is suitable for motor oxyd dioxide (CO2) type or model GM 120 0.27, it is possible to drive and use the supplied rubber harness with a propeller. All models with CO2-powered engines allow it to fly as free, but also with a built-in micro RC kit to control the direction, or even the elevator. With these models it is possible to take part in competitions in the category minimaket CO2. With good size and quiet operation, you can fly all year in every sport hall or ballroom.
The kit contains all the parts of prefinished quality balsa and plywood, plastic moldings bogie wheels, engine cover, or wheel covers, landing gear wire, clear film to the glass cabin, lining paper and decals to finish maketovému finishes, detailed building instructions, tape and rubber propeller complete.


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