Wright Flyer laser. carved 615 mm

Price in e-shop with VAT: 50,64 €
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Manufacturer: Guillow
Goods code: 4SH1202
EAN: 072365012028

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Product Description

Guillow - Wright Flyer laser. carved 615 mm - 4SH1202

So this one's all on the 17th December 1903 has begun! First dvanáctivteřinový jump with a length of 120 feet, then three more, longer and longer (120, 175 and 200 feet). Gradually, the Wright brothers worked their way to a fully controlled by a stable flight in 1905, the Flyer III had managed to fly away distance of 20 miles ... The new machine, although not made an end to all wars, as they thought, when it offered the U.S. military for the then dizzying sum of $ 25,000 but planes definitely changed the world beyond recognition.

Kit mock historic biplane, static model with sophisticated details maketovými 1:20 scale museum-quality.

Model is a classic balsa construction in Rozsyp with laser carved wooden parts. Given that it is a model for advanced builders, you should already have prior experience with classical building and a good dose of patience.

Kit includes: Laser cut balsa parts, balsa wood beams, předseknuté parts stand, lining paper string representation of the reinforcement wires, building plan

Warning - the bottom of the box are printed template fabrication of wings for positioning in the correct relative positions prior to gluing of the struts. And figurine lying "Wright brothers", which revive the model.

Wingspan: 615 mm

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