Dřevěné 3D mechanické puzzle – dostavník

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Hersteller: Ugears
Warenkode: 5000037

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Wooden 3D Mechanical Puzzle – Stagecoach.

Ugears introduces the legendary carrier from the late 18th – 19th century, when the stagecoach became a common means of communication as well as passenger and small cargo transportation in the US. The coach delivering letters, packages and money became a signature attribute of the Wild West culture, as represented in films and stories.

In creating the Stagecoach, Ugears intended to design a model that would be a delight to your eyes and at the same time would be able to face the challenges of the Wild West – should you decide to re-create this romantic period at home with your family. As a result, the Stagecoach has a solid frame and wheels sturdy enough to play with, and a delicate cabin that gives the model an iconic Ugears look.

The doors of the cabin open to let the passengers in and out. If you’d like to deliver a message to your family, two cargo crates on the roof of the cabin will conveniently accommodate your letter. In case your kid is waiting for a package of sweets from the outskirts of civilization at the other end of the table, you can also use your Stagecoach’s cabin or crates to deliver those. Also, the crates can be removed and replaced with whatever small package you need delivered.

Simple and comprehensive mechanics guarantees fast but interesting assembly that people of any age will enjoy. Invite your whole family to spend time together re-creating the Wild West spirit and deepening the bonds between you with this exciting game.

Your Stagecoach is fast and needs just a few turns of the winding key to get going. Lock the rear wheel axle to make sure the model is not running away from you while you are winding it.

Made out of high quality plywood without glue, your eco-friendly puzzle will bring hours of joy to the whole family and will make you closer than ever.


  • Made from plywood
  • Package Size: 370×17×27 mm
  • Model Size: 400×125×160 mm
  • Assembly Time: 5 hours
  • Number of Parts: 248
  • Age: 14+


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